Setting up a development environment¶

  1. Refer to Contributing (section “Getting Started”) for information of how to (1) either fork a repository, clone it, and install it for development purposes, or (2) set up the directory structure for your own Django app that will contribute to the Mantis framework.

  2. Chose a development environment of your liking. Here is how you can setup PyCharm Professional Edition in support of development for Django: * Start up PyCharm and enter your license information. * Before opening a project/folder, go to Configure -> Settings and adjust the following:

    • Use the search box in the settings dialog to find the place where you can configure the proxy settings:
    • Configure the python environment under “Project Interpreter” -> “Python Interpreters” Click on the “+”, then on “Local...” Select <path_to_your_environment>/bin/python, and click “Ok”
    • Click on “Ok” to close the settings window.
    • Open the project folder: select “Open Directory” and choose your source directories
    • Before being able to run the django-mantis project, you have to adjust the “Run/Debug Confgurations” (wait for the indexer to finish...)
      • In the menubar, click on “Run” -> “Edit Configurations”
      • Select the “django-mantis” in the displayed tree on the left
      • In the right pane, add the following to the “Additional options:” --settings=mantis.settings.local_psql or --settings=mantis.settings.local
    • You should now be able to run the django server by clicking the play button.