
The installation instructions below have been tested on an out-of-the-box installation of Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 LTS (the Desktop rather than the Server version has been used, since the majority of installs are likely to be for testing and developing, where having a full working environment and X-server installed comes in handy.) If you are using a different *nix flavor, you have to find the corresponding installation packages used with apt-get below – the installation steps carried out with pip, however, will be exactly the same.

Attention: If you are setting up a virtual machine, make sure to give it at least 3GB of memory if you want to import really large XML structures such as MITRE’s STIX conversion of the Mandiant APT-1 report ( – importing large files currently takes a lot of memory – there seems to be a memory leak which we still have to track down.

  1. Make sure that you have the required dependencies on OS level for building the XML-related packages. For example, on an Ubuntu system, execute the following commands:

    $ apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev python-dev libxslt1-dev

    Also, while you are at it, install git, if you do not have it already:

    $ apt-get install git

    If you are behind a proxy, you can configure a proxy for apt-get by putting a file 95proxy into /etc/apt/apt.conf.d that has the following contents:

    Acquire::http::proxy "<proxy_url>";
    Acquire::ftp::proxy "<proxy_url>";
    Acquire::https::proxy "<proxy_url>";
  2. It is recommended to use a virtual python environment.

    • Make sure that virtualenv is installed:

      $ apt-get install python-virtualenv
    • Create a virtual environment:

      $ virtualenv <path_for_storing_environments>/mantis
      $ source <path_for_storing_environments>/mantis/bin/activate

      Now the virtual environment is activated – you should see a changed prompt that is prefixed with (mantis)

  3. Find out the current version of libxml2-python by browsing to and noting done the version number (at time of writing, this was 2.6.21).

    Install the libxml2 bindings using pip:

    (mantis)$ pip install<libxml2-python-version-nr>.tar.gz

    If you are behind a proxy, you can provide pip with the proxy information with the commandline argument --proxy  <proxy_url>.

    If the download does not work via pip, download the file with your browser, and install from file with pip install <filename>.

  4. Go to a location where you want to have the Django Mantis files and check out the git repository:

    (mantis)$ git clone

    If you are behind a proxy, you can configure a proxy for git via the following:

    (mantis)$ git config --global http.proxy <proxy_url>
  5. Change into the django-mantis directory and do:

    (mantis)$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
    (mantis)$ pip install django-simple-menu>=1.0.6

    (For some reason, django-simple-menu cannot be installed before Django itself has not been installed completely).

  6. Your are now all set for running MANTIS on top of an SQLite database. If that is what you want to do, have a look at QUICKSTART.

  7. For running MANTIS on top of Postgresql (which is recommended), you need to install and prepare Postgresql:

    • Install it:

      $ apt-get install postgresql
      $ apt-get postgresql-server-dev-9.1
    • Install the Python module for working with postgresql:

      (mantis)$ pip install psycopg2
    • In /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf set ssl = False

    • (Re)start the server:

      /etc/init.d/postgresql start
    • Create password for postgresql: as root user, do:

      passwd postgres
    • Give the postgresql user a database password; As user postgres do:

      su postgres
      \password postgres;
    • Prepare database:

      • As user postgresql do:

        createuser -P mantis;

        and do the following:

        • give it password mantis
        • do not make it super user
        • allow it to create databases (required for running python unit tests). If you forgot about this step here, you can later run (ALTER USER mantis CREATEDB;) on the database prompt to achieve the same.
        • do not allow it to create new roles
    • In database, do:

    • In /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf enter after the line for the postgres user:

      # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
      local [tab] django [tab] mantis [tab][tab]  md5
  8. Continue with the QUICKSTART.